EPIC seminar in Riga

EPIC seminar in Riga

From 12 to 16 February 2018, Riga Technical University opened its doors for a seminar week for students and teachers from the Erasmus+ project EPIC – Improving Employability through Internationalisation and Collaboration. In a five day long seminar, students and...
Transnational meeting for EPIC at aconium GmbH in Berlin

Transnational meeting for EPIC at aconium GmbH in Berlin

On 16 November, the partners of the Erasmus+ project EPIC – Improving Employability through Internationalisation and Collaboration – came together for a meeting at the aconium GmbH office in Berlin.The project EPIC aims to support students with practical learning in...
Project Idea Café at the BSSSC Annual Conference 2017, 22 September

Project Idea Café at the BSSSC Annual Conference 2017, 22 September

The Project Idea Café is an opportunity for project idea owners to present their projects to potential partners and funding programmes, to discuss their project ideas with partners as well as to learn about selected funding programmes in the region. Five project idea...
Kickoff meeting of EPIC project in Barcelona

Kickoff meeting of EPIC project in Barcelona

At the end of September, project partners of EPIC – improving employability through internationalisation and collaboration – met in Barcelona. Amongst them employees of aconium GmbH. On 21 and 22 September, the EPIC partner consortium met for the first time to discuss...
Colibri: Final in Copenhagen

Colibri: Final in Copenhagen

After the end of the third semester of the “Future Internet Opportunities” course in July, which was designed as part of the Erasmus+-funded Colibri project, the project partners held a final management meeting in August. The aim of Colibri was to improve...
EPIC Project Launches in September 2017

EPIC Project Launches in September 2017

After the Erasmus+-funded COLIBRI project comes to an end in August 2017, we will be starting EPIC – also an Erasmus+ project – immediately afterwards. We are delighted to have secured Saxion University from the Netherlands for the EPIC project. The main...