Initiative D21 publishes Digital Index 2016 and special study Schule Digital

Initiative D21 publishes Digital Index 2016 and special study Schule Digital

On 15.11.16, the D21 initiative published its annual assessment of the degree of digitalization in society, the D21 Digital Index 2016, at the Digital Society Congress. The index has been compiled since 2013 in collaboration with Kantar TNS (formerly TNS Infratest) via telephone surveys of German households and calculated using the four dimensions of access, use, competence and openness. The underlying questionnaire is adapted annually with partners from science, politics and business. In 2016, the study will focus in particular on digital skills.

National IT Summit in Saarbrücken

Under the motto “Learning and acting in the digital world”, Federal Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel is welcoming around 1,100 high-ranking representatives from politics, business, trade unions, science and various social groups to the 10th National IT Summit of the Federal Government in Saarbrücken today.

Teaching and learning in the digital world – Conference on the Digital Education Pact

On 8 November 2016, the Digital Education Pact initiative presented recommendations for action to support the process of digitalization in schools and educational institutions in Berlin. The education alliance, which was launched by Microsoft in 2015, is supported by industry associations such as eco and the Didacta Association, the German Informatics Society, the D21 initiative and the Alliance for Education.

In Düsseldorf: First meeting of G20 digital ministers

In Düsseldorf: First meeting of G20 digital ministers

For the first time in the almost 20-year history of the G20, a meeting of digital ministers took place on April 6 and 7, 2017. Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Brigitte Zypries invited the ministers for digitalization in the G20 countries, international organizations such as the OECD, WTO and UNCTAD as well as the host countries the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore and Spain to Düsseldorf. The theme of the meeting was “Digitalization: Policies for a Digital Future”.