Smart Country Convention – We were there!

Smart Country Convention – We were there!

15.10.2024 – Day 1 The Smart Country Convention in Berlin opened its doors again on October 15. Germany’s largest trade fair focusing on the digitalization of administration and public institutions took place in the state capital until 17 October. On the...
eGovernment MONITOR 2024: Results Published Today

eGovernment MONITOR 2024: Results Published Today

The time has come: the new eGovernment MONITOR 2024 from D21 e.V. was published today. The annual study provides information on the usage behavior and acceptance of digital administrative services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and thus enables society to track...
TwinBy: A Digital Twin as a Digital Memory in Pressath i.d. Oberpfalz

TwinBy: A Digital Twin as a Digital Memory in Pressath i.d. Oberpfalz

The cultivation of customs, events and stories creates history and a sense of belonging for the local people. On the occasion of the wedding of King Ludwig I and Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen in 1810 on a meadow on the outskirts of Munich, the Oktoberfest...