The event focused on information about the European funding programs EAFRD, LEADER, ERDF, INTERREG and EFJ. Some future topics linked to the funding programs were also discussed, such as mobility – in particular the different modes of individual and collective mobility, for example the differences and possible synergies between public rail transport and new means of transport such as e-bikes – or smart home applications. Infrastructure expansion is a necessary prerequisite for both areas in various respects. Therefore, topics such as land renewal, forestry road construction, broadband expansion in rural areas as well as water management measures and flood protection were also discussed at the conference. Another focal point was the design of the funding as general funding along the value chain (production – processing – marketing). The tenor was that cross-border cooperation was essential for all measures, whether regional or international. Mark Weinmeister, Hessian State Secretary for European Affairs, summarized the potential arising from the funding provided by the EU programmes: “By providing funding for public and private bodies, institutions and companies, the EU is making an important contribution to diverse regional development in Hesse”. Regional development is of immense importance to the state of Hesse, particularly in rural areas. Over 80 percent of the total area of the federal state is considered rural. Around half of the total population lives there.
Photo above: Impression of the North Hesse region (Werra-Meißner district). Photo credit: aconium GmbH / Florian Schuh.