The European Investment Project Portal (EIPP) is an online match portal that enables EU-based project promoters to reach potential public or private investors worldwide.

Through EIPP, these project promoters make their venture visible to a large network of international investors. For investors looking for investment opportunities, the portal offers a wide selection of projects from various sectors: energy efficiency, transport, healthcare, renewable energies, broadband infrastructure and SME financing.

The EIPP has been online since June 2016 and is operated by the European Commission. The portal is part of the Investment Plan for Europe, which aims to mobilize investment, promote economic growth and create more jobs across the EU.

What can EIPP offer you?

  • The portal was set up at the suggestion of investors in order to compile more investment opportunities in the EU on a central information platform.
  • Advanced search and filter criteria make it easier for investors to find projects that match their preferences.
  • Investors can register online and will soon be able to subscribe to project updates that match their interests.
  • The portal will increase the visibility of projects from the EU for an extensive network of international investors by presenting them in a structured and uniform manner.

Is my project eligible for the EIPP?

To be published on the portal, a project must meet the following requirements:

  • The total costs amount to at least 1 million euros.
  • It falls thematically into one of the listed economic sectors with high added value.
  • The project is expected to start within three years of registration (or has already started).
  • The project complies with all applicable national and EU legislation.

Online application tool

Project sponsors can now submit their projects online. Simple, easy and fast: apply today!

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