Germany aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. In order to achieve this climate protection target, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has published the Climate Protection Action Program and defined concrete measures. One of these is making passenger transport more climate-friendly, which includes cycling. The federal competition “Climate Protection in Cycling” rewards projects that promote climate protection by strengthening cycling. Funding is provided for investment measures to permanently strengthen cycling in a defined area such as a commercial or residential area. The fields of action are
- Installation of new bicycle parking spaces
- New and redesigned road space for smooth cycling traffic
- Bicycle-based transport services and logistics
- Improvement of everyday cycling.
Local authorities, private or municipal companies and other public or private institutions and associations can apply for a grant of up to 70 percent of the eligible costs. Both individual organizations and several organizations and/or institutions in a joint project are eligible to apply. In the first step, project outlines can be submitted to Project Management Jülich by 15 April. The approved outlines then have until August 15 to submit a funding application to . For further information on the competition call, please click here. CO2 reduction and energy efficiency projects are part of aconium GmbH’s portfolio, which means it has expertise in these areas. It also supports potential project sponsors with applications in various areas.