On Monday, October 23, 2017, the first NConf took place at the CJD Christophorus Gymnasium in Rostock under the motto Back to School – Learn Something New. The patron of the event was Christian Pegel, Minister for Energy, Infrastructure and Digitalization of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, who welcomed the attendees with a video message. The NConf was all about current trends and technologies in mobile web and app development. The target group was students of computer science and related courses as well as developers from Rostock and the surrounding area. After a packed programme consisting of workshops and presentations on topics such as modern client-server architecture, agile working and digitalization in traditional companies, there was plenty of time for relaxed and constructive discussions at the buffet to round off the evening. With 57 participants, the first NConf was a complete success. aconium GmbH contributed to the event both financially and in terms of personnel – a good opportunity for the recently established North-East location, based in Schwerin, to actively participate in its area of responsibility in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for the first time. Together with the organization team, many ideas were developed for the already planned NConf 2018, in which aconium GmbH will participate again next year.

Photo above: Participants of the NConf in Rostock on 23.10.2017 during a presentation.
Photo below: Participants of the NConf in Rostock on 23.10.2017 chatting during the break.
Photo credits: Photo credit: NConf / Paul Herzog.