District Administrator Bernd Woide (district of Fulda, left), Mayor Malolepszy (municipality of Hosenfeld, right) and Regional Manager Manfred Henning (aconium, center) at the commissioning and handover ceremony in Hosenfeld (district of Fulda, Hesse) on 14.12.2018. © aconium GmbH

The district of Fulda benefits from the federal broadband funding and is on the home stretch for nationwide coverage with high-performance internet connections. With the commissioning of the network in the Hosenfeld district of Blankenau/Hainzell on December 14, 2018, citizens and facilities in expansion cluster ten now have access to data transfer rates of at least 50 Mbit/s.

District Administrator Bernd Woide and Hosenfeld’s Mayor Peter Malolepszy took part in the event together with representatives of the telecommunications company carrying out the expansion, the state of Hesse and aconium GmbH, the project management organization of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).

District Administrator Woide: “Without the federal government’s support of over eleven million euros, the broadband expansion in the district of Fulda would not have been possible. The federal government is fulfilling its obligation. We would like to express our sincere thanks for this. We will continue to follow the path to the gigabit society with this support.”

“We have 4,700 inhabitants in the municipality of Hosenfeld, including around 1,800 households and many medium-sized companies as well as remote farms. They all need decent Internet,” said Mayor Malolepszy, who praised the good cooperation between all those involved in the project.

The simultaneous handover of two further funding decisions for the district of Fulda marked another milestone on the road to nationwide broadband expansion. “In rural areas where expansion is not possible on a self-funded basis, the federal and state governments are ready to support broadband expansion through funding programs,” said Manfred Henning, Regional Manager of aconium GmbH.