Niederstetten/Weikersheim – On Wednesday, August 9, the official ground-breaking ceremony took place in expansion area 3 of the Main-Tauber district. Among those present were the mayor of Niederstetten, Rüdiger Zibold, department head Jochen Müssig (Main-Tauber district) and Dr. Veit Steinle (branch manager of aconium GmbH).

A total of 76 kilometers of fiber optic cable will be laid in this cluster and 62 modern street cabinets will be installed. The expansion project will improve the digital infrastructure for Niederstetten, Weikersheim and the districts of Simmringen and Bernsfelden in the municipality of Igersheim. Around 4,600 additional households are expected to benefit from the ongoing network expansion in the Main-Tauber district from February 2018.

Mayor Rüdiger Zibold emphasized the importance of the expansion for his city: “Digital infrastructure serves the citizens and strengthens the local economy. Investments in infrastructure expansion pay off. They increase property values, promote business expansion and secure medical care and care for the elderly.”

The latest technology – including large cable plows and drilling machines – is being used for the expansion in the district. This minimizes disruption to people and traffic.

In total, around 47,190 households and businesses in 18 towns and municipalities in the Main-Tauber district will receive high-speed Internet by the end of 2018.

Head of Department Jochen Müssig sent greetings from District Administrator Reinhard Frank and explained: “Society’s demands on the internet are increasing. With a constant stream of new applications, for example the direct exchange of photos, videos and live streams or new working models such as increased teleworking or co-working, higher speeds and capacities are also required. With our network expansion, we are creating the basis for precisely this.”

Photo above: Construction vehicles at the ground-breaking ceremony in expansion area 3 of the Main-Tauber district on 09.08.2017
Gallery: Jochen Müssig (Head of the Main-Tauber district, left), Dr. Veit Steinle (Branch Manager of aconium GmbH, 2nd from left) and Rüdiger Zibold (Mayor of Niederstetten, 3rd from left) with other participants at the ground-breaking ceremony on 09.08.2017 in expansion area 3 in the Main-Tauber district; The directional drilling process is demonstrated at the ground-breaking ceremony in expansion area 3 of the Main-Tauber district on 09.08.2017. Photo credits: Main-Tauber district administration office.
Photo credits: aconium GmbH