Broadband expansion started in Zerbst (Saxony-Anhalt) on May 8. Sandra Beichert, State Chancellery of Saxony-Anhalt, Mayor Andreas Dittmann (Zerbst/Anhalt), Daniel Knohr, Regional Manager of aconium, the project sponsor of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), and representatives of the company carrying out the expansion work met against the backdrop of the town hall and castle at the joint ground-breaking ceremony for the expansion of the broadband network in the town center of Zerbst and the surrounding districts of the unified municipality of Zerbst/Anhalt.

Mayor Andreas Dittmann was pleased that aconium GmbH was a reliable partner throughout the entire application process and emphasized the good cooperation with the federal and state governments. With the support of the federal broadband funding, more than 9,600 private households, 1,600 companies and 46 institutional customers, including eight schools and 22 other educational institutions, are to receive network connections with data transmission speeds of at least 50 Mbit/s in Zerbst in the future. Almost 70 companies will be able to access transmission rates of 1 Gbit/s and more once the construction project is complete. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is funding the expansion with more than 1.3 million euros as part of the federal broadband funding program, with a further 2 million euros from state funds flowing into the project.

Photo: Sandra Beichert (State Chancellery of Saxony-Anhalt, Department for the Improvement of Broadband Supply, 2nd from left), Mayor Andreas Dittmann (Zerbst, right) and Daniel Knohr (Regional Manager of aconium, left) with other participants at the ground-breaking ceremony in Zerbst (Saxony-Anhalt) on May 8, 2018.
Photo credit: aconium GmbH