Sustainable mobility planning processes can only be developed and implemented together with citizens. A state-wide population survey in Hessen aims to find out what makes it attractive for citizens to participate in such processes. The aim is to find out which participation methods are most appealing and how they can be designed in order to encourage citizens to actively participate.

In many regions, there are already promising approaches to planning mobility in a sustainable way – mobility that is both environmentally friendly and inclusive by taking into account the needs of all population groups. Such strategic planning is particularly successful if citizens can actively participate in planning processes – be it through taking part in events, surveys or digital participation opportunities. This ensures that the needs of the population are heard and integrated into the design of new and existing offers.

In order to better understand the interests and needs of the citizens of Hessen, aconium is currently conducting an online survey for the Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Urban Mobility of the State of Hesse (FZ-NUM). Citizens in Hesse have the opportunity to share how they are currently learning about mobility offers as well as opportunities to participate in mobility planning processes.

In particular, the survey is aiming to expose how participation possibilities in such planning processes should look to make them more attractive to different target groups. Therefore, the survey also specifically collects data about which participation offers citizens are currently making use of, what may prevent them from actively participating and how current methods can be made even more attractive in order to encourage citizens to participate more actively. The results from the survey will help to better tailor the participation opportunities of citizens to the needs of various target groups.

The survey was developed by aconium on behalf of the Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Urban Mobility of the State of Hesse, which participates as a partner in the European cooperation project e-smartec (“Enhanced sustainable mobility with marketing techniques”). In e-smartec, nine partners from seven EU countries cooperate to develop locally adapted participation methods for sustainable mobility planning processes through the exchange of European “good practice examples”. For this purpose, the inclusion of the citizens’ perspectives is an important basis.

Participation in the survey is possible for all citizens who have their place of residence in the state of Hesse until the 14th of December at

After being evaluated by aconium, the results of the survey will be published on the FZ-NUM website.