Mobile use still on the rise – digital skills can be improved

The level of digitalization among Germans remains at 51 points (out of a possible 100 points). The 14 – 49 age groups are already almost completely online, meaning that there has been hardly any growth in internet usage. However, Internet use is increasingly mobile (increase in mobile Internet use by 5% to 59%). Overall, the index in the area of access rose by 6 points to 65. In contrast, the index values for the dimensions of openness and competence fell slightly by 4 to 5 points to 49 and 44 points respectively. This means that this year, too, society is just about keeping pace with the increasing demands of digitalization, but apparently feels less and less up to the challenges. This is also confirmed by a look at the chapter on the key topic of digital skills. These were surveyed in the areas of data processing, communication, content creation, security and problem solving. As a result, the population’s basic knowledge of developments is mixed. For example, only around a third of respondents rate their own skills in creating content in social networks as high. 47% do not feel able to make an online bank transfer. The results of the index also reveal a segmentation in society when it comes to classification into different user groups. Here, 26% of the population are classified as digitally skeptical (around 18 million people), who hardly use digital services and have hardly any skills. Investments in the systematic promotion of digital education are therefore essential for strengthening the digital society in the future.

School-based training courses are very popular

The special study Schule Digital takes a closer look at the upcoming generation and examines their teaching, learning and living environment with regard to the status quo of digital education at secondary schools. The focus is not only on infrastructure equipment, but also on digital skills, training and further education processes and the integration of digital education into everyday school life. A total of over 3,600 teachers, pupils and parents were surveyed online between August and September 2016. The often assumed discrepancy between the world of teaching at schools and the learning and living environment of young people is also confirmed here. Smartphones are still not allowed to be used in up to a third of schools. Teachers identified inadequate equipment (73%), the uncertain legal situation (64%) and a lack of IT skills (62%) as the biggest obstacles to the use of digital media in lessons. 30% of teachers take advantage of further training offered by the school or the school authority. Schools with a digital focus promote corresponding further training. Extracurricular training is only used to a limited extent. Only one in five teachers make use of such opportunities. The survey on digital skills confirms the findings of the Digital Index. The teaching of digital skills is urgently needed. For example, almost two thirds of pupils rely on the results on the first page when searching via search engines.

Schools with a digital focus have a clear advantage

The educational triangle of teachers, pupils and parents is generally positive about the integration of digital media as a fundamental component of all school subjects. Almost three quarters of the teachers and parents surveyed and more than two thirds of pupils want this. The study derives the following recommendations for action for the meaningful implementation of digital education: 1) Improvement of IT equipment and IT concepts and smooth technical support; 2) Mandatory, regular and skills-oriented further training for teachers; 3) Mandatory integration of media-related content and skills into the curricula and educational plans of all subjects. A comparison between schools with a digital focus and those without shows that these approaches would be effective. There are clear differences here in favor of schools with a digital focus, e.g. in the assessment of skills, further training or satisfaction in dealing with technical devices.

Download the Digital Index and the special study Schule Digital here:

Digital Index 2016

Special study School Digital