Fotocredit Markus Spiske

Efficient district heating systems are an important component in the frame of achieving sustainable energy supply and thus contribute to reduced energy waste and greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions. The LowTEMP Conference, taking place on the 24th of September 2019 in Malmö (Sweden), brings together district heating companies, suppliers, municipalities and the academic sector to discuss the optimisation of district heating grids. The Conference is organised by the Swedish network Sustainable Business Hub and the Swedish energy supplier Kraftringen under the sponsorship of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project LowTEMP.

Most district heating systems are technically outdated and do not meet the high European energy efficiency standards. Therefore, they need to be upgraded and equipped with advanced system concepts and innovative technologies. Smart low temperature district heating systems provide a solution for this, as the reduce heat losses and primarily use renewable energy and waste heat from industrial processes, especially when supplying energy efficient buildings. In the Interreg V B project LowTEMP 19 partners from nine Baltic Sea Region countries work since October 2017  towards making district heating supply with low temperature solutions more sustainable. For this purpose, knowledge and strategic tools on how to plan, finance, install and manage low temperature district heating systems in municipalities and district heating companies are developed and disseminated.

In the frame of the LowTEMP Conference in September 2019 in Malmö, a number of stakeholders will discuss the challenges of modernising existing district heating grids and the expansion and installation of low temperature district heating systems and present their implementation approaches. Furthermore, experts from the academic and business sector are to present pioneering next generation district heating projects by showcasing technical solutions and potential business models that have already been successfully implemented. In two parallel sessions, new technologies and processes for low-temperature district heating networks will be introduced and optimisation measures for existing district heating networks will be presented.

The aconium GmbH is co-organising the Conference and will introduce the LowTEMP project in a kick-off presentation with a special focus on knowledge development and knowledge exchange on low temperature district heating solutions facilitated in the frame of the project.

Register for the LowTEMP Conference until the 10th of September 2019. A detailed conference agenda can be downloaded from the website.

LowTEMP is supported by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood Instrument) under the Interreg Baltic Sea Programme 2014-2020. Interreg enables transnational cooperation to tackle common challenges that do not stop at national borders, such as the rising carbon footprint. The LowTEMP project partners come from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Russia.

The LowTEMP project contributes to the objectives of the EU2020 strategy by promoting energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources and the reduction of CO2 emissions. It also makes important contributions to the objectives of national and European spatial development policies and to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).

The aconium GmbH developed the project on behalf of the Lead Partner IMP PAN (Institute of Fluid-flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences) and is responsible for the project, financial and communication management.

Link: LowTEMP project site