From 7 to 9 March partners of the Interreg BSR project LowTEMP met in Holbaek, Denmark. The partner meeting was hosted by two Danish project partners, Holbaek municipality and “Gate 21”.

The three-day meeting not only served for an intensive exchange on the work contents of the project regarding the expansion of low temperature district heating grids in the Baltic Sea Region, but also for the capacity building in the partnership and the discussion of planned pilot activities.

On this background, on the second day of the event the partners visited several enterprises that produce industrial waste heat during their operating processes and production of goods, which could be used for the heat supply of buildings.

On the third day the participants had the chance to get to know innovative Danish projects on sustainable heat supply for residential areas. During field trips to district heat companies in Albertslund and Høje Taastrup as well as a visit of a housing estate connected to low temperature district heating, the implementation of sustainable heat supply was demonstrated.

The project partners will use the gained experiences and discussed approaches in the concrete project work of LowTEMP.

Photo top: Project workshop during the three-day partner meeting for LowTEMP in Holbaek, Denmark.
Photos bottom: Darijus Valiucko (Project Manager aconium GmbH) during the project workshop; field trips to district heat companies were part of the partner meeting.
Credits: aconium GmbH / Joanna Muszynska