On 19 September, a workshop of Erasmus+ project EPIC took place in the frame of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference in Copenhagen. Project representatives of aconium attended the event.

In EPIC students are given the opportunity to prepare master and bachelor thesises or project reports cooperatively in transnational teams. Companies are delivering topics and thus guarantee practical orientation.

Jens Myrup Pedersen, lecturer at Aalborg University, lead partner of EPIC, gave an overview on the project and presented results and insights gathered during the first year of EPIC. Koojana Kuladinithi from Technical University Hamburg explained the special challenges EPIC has to face. These include:

  • Managing the cultural differences between participants from different countries and regions
  • Considering the various requirements of participating universities on the assessment of performances and efforts
  • Acquisition of companies and their role during cooperation

During the workshop, a student who participated in the completed first project year shared his experiences. He stated to have learned a lot about working together in a team, structuring project processes and taking into account a wide variety of opinions and competencies. He claimed that the EPIC model was an enrichment for his studies as it offered many chances for skill development. He also made a strong statement for participating in the project and for additional offers of this kind.

During the sessions and after the main part, workshop attendees extensively seized the opportunity for exchange. They discussed the challenges of international and digital cooperation projects facilitated by EPIC.

All participants and aconium now look forward to utilise the findings from the first EPIC year in order to improve project progression and to raise the number of students and companies being able to work together.

Photo top: The EPIC workshop took place Copenhagen in the frame of the Annual SEFI Conference, 19 September 2018.
Photos in text: Jens Myrup Pedersen, lecturer at Aalborg University (Denmark), lead partner of EPIC gives an overview on EPIC as well as on results and findings from the first project year; Koojana Kuladinithi (TU Hamburg) explaining the special challenges EPIC has to face.

Photo credits: aconium GmbH/Anne Reichenbach