On 26 June 2017, Norbert Barthle, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), handed over 150 funding decisions for funds from the multi-billion euro federal program for broadband expansion. Municipalities and districts in structurally weak areas will receive up to 50,000 euros for consulting services.
They can use the money to plan expansion projects for broadband expansion and prepare application documents for federal funding for these projects. In a second step, the BMVI will make up to 15 million euros available for each individual infrastructure project.
Alexander Dobrindt, Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure:
“The federal program for super-fast broadband is a huge success. The great demand from local authorities continues unabated: we receive new applications for funding every day, which we decide on quickly and unbureaucratically. We are making all municipalities and districts an offer to take advantage of the federal program so that there are no more blank spots on the map by 2018. ”
Since the start of the federal program on 18 November 2015, 1,909 applications for funding for consulting services from municipalities and districts throughout Germany have already been approved. The federal program provides underserved areas with network access of at least 50 Mbit per second. Applications can be submitted at www.breitbandausschreibungen.de. The federal funding program provides technology-neutral funding for network expansion. The funding rate is 50 to 70 percent of the eligible costs. As the federal program can be combined with state and EU funding programs, the funding rate can be increased to up to 90 percent. A total of around four billion euros is available for broadband funding from federal funds.
The federal funding program provides technology-neutral funding for grid expansion. The funding rate is 50 to 70 percent of the eligible costs. As the federal program can be combined with state and EU funding programs, the funding rate can be increased to up to 90 percent. A total of around four billion euros is available for broadband funding from federal funds.
For companies in rural regions, digital transformation offers the opportunity to optimize processes and tap into new markets, thereby gaining a decisive economic advantage.
Tim Brauckmüller, Managing Director of aconium GmbH:
“What is true for private households is even more true for companies. Many business applications sometimes require high bandwidths and demand high-performance infrastructures – especially in rural areas! This is precisely where broadband access infrastructure is needed in order to make the location competitive and attractive for companies and families. ”
Photo: Norbert Barthle, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, at the presentation of the funding decision on 26.06.2017 at the BMVI.
Source: BMVI