Projects which deal with one of the three priorities of Interreg “capacity for innovation”, “efficient management of natural resources” and “transport” will be able to selected for funding.

The selection for funding is a two-step application procedure:

Step 1: the concept note (open) – In step 1, each lead applicant is asked to submit a concept note – describing the project’s strategic relevance, main outcomes, core activities and the planned partnership. The concept note has to be submitted in electronic (pdf) version not later than 1 June 2016.

Step 2: the application form (to be opened in September 2016) – Applicants whose concept notes are selected by the Monitoring Committee in September 2016 need to prepare complete project applications by January 2017. The content of the application form has to be based on the earlier developed concept note. More detailed information will be available at a later stage.

aconium has in the past been involved in several projects in the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region. As an example, aconium was responsible for the project management and transnational communication in the framework of the Public Energy Alternatives.