Regardless if for commuting, exercise, or long day-trips with the family, the use of e-Bikes is rapidly gaining importance in daily life. In Germany’s Harz region, e-Bikes are being introduced to further boost local tourism. The aconium GmbH has been the project manager of “E-Bike Paradise Harz – Braunschweiger Land – Ostfalen“ since 2019 and is responsible for overseeing the funding process and all organisational duties within the project and between partners. “E-Bike Paradise” is funded by LEADER (Liaison entre actions de développement de l’économie rurale), an EU funding initiative which supports rural development projects aimed at revitalising rural areas and creating jobs, and encompasses 6 subprojects with partners dispersed throughout the region. By the planned end of the project in 2021, a new booking platform will have been developed to accompany the newly created and signposted e-Bike routes for tourists and locals alike. These interesting and exciting routes will be designed to highlight local attractions and businesses.

Last weekend the aconium Gmbh welcomed cyclists to the “eBike your Life” Festival in Wernigerode. At the event, participants were invited to join a guided e-Bike tour, and an “e-Bike village” in the historic Old Town provided a suitable platform to present the LEADER-funded project alongside other regional exhibitors. The information booth was attended by cooperating partners from Harzmobil Waturandang and Wermuth Gbr, an e-Bike rental agency and LEADER project sponsor in the Harz region. Despite poor weather conditions, many visitors came and took advantage of the numerous activities and information booths. The “eBike your Life” Festival highlighted the increasing demand for e-Bike tourism in the region, largely due to the natural conditions which make it suitable to be deemed a “paradise”: rich nature, memorials, charming gastronomy, friendly accommodations, regional products, and cultural heritage institutions like museums and old mines.