On the north bank of the Elbe, Mayor Torsten Zugehör (Lutherstadt Wittenberg), Stephan Heinrich (Head of Economic Affairs Lutherstadt Wittenberg) and Daniel Knohr (Regional Manager) of aconium, the project management agency of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), as well as representatives of the companies carrying out the work came together on 22.05.2018 for the official ground-breaking ceremony in the Nudersdorf district of Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
In the presence of the interested population and local companies, those involved were able to send a clear signal in the direction of broadband expansion for the region in Saxony-Anhalt. According to Mayor Zugehör, this will make Nudersdorf attractive again as a place to live and the local companies will be correspondingly efficient. Stephan Heinrich added: “A first step has been taken.” The federal government is providing funding of almost 200,000 euros for the infrastructure project as part of the BMVI’s federal broadband funding program. Using FTTB and VDSL, 1,251 households, 159 companies and nine institutional users, including a school, three administrative buildings and a care facility, are to be connected to the high-speed network at a rate of at least 50 Mbit/s.
Photo: Mayor Torsten Zugehör (2nd from right, Lutherstadt Wittenberg), Daniel Knohr (left, Regional Manager aconium) with representatives of the companies carrying out the work at the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony in Nudersdorf on 22.05.2018.
Photo credit: Stephan Heinrich