Exclusive special analysis of the D21 Digital Index 2020/2021 by aconium GmbH shows:

  • Differing assessments of pupils and parents on the topic of digital education during the pandemic
  • Majority of pupils find digital teaching materials simple and self-explanatory, many parents fear worsening educational inequalities
  • Parents, pupils and teachers agree: digital offerings and new forms of learning must be expanded

This year, the representative study of the D21 Digital Index 2020/2021 examined digital education, among other things, and asked teachers, pupils and parents about their experiences during the coronavirus pandemic. The results were recently published by Initiative D21. A new, exclusive special evaluation by aconium GmbH shows that parents in particular have very different perceptions of the direction of digital teaching than pupils.

Surprisingly, the independent organisation of digital lessons posed a particular challenge for the parents surveyed: Around 42 percent of them stated that self-organisation was stressful for them. Apparently, however, this burden was much less felt by the pupils concerned: Only just under 21 percent of them, perceived the self-organisation of digital lessons as an aggravating hurdle.

A similarly strongly divergent assessment can be seen in the use of digital teaching materials: Almost 64 percent of students agreed that the materials and media provided by teachers and schools were self-explanatory and easy to use. These predominantly positive perceptions of the students are also reflected in the fact that 41% of them found that there was a coordinated approach and that the teachers were well networked and coordinated.

In contrast, the parents’ assessment was very different: Only just under 39% of parents found the new teaching materials easy to use and self-explanatory. The critical overall impressions of many parents with regard to digital teaching are underlined by another important point: 71% of German parents believe that coronavirus is exacerbating educational inequalities. They would have liked a little more digital teaching overall, as only just under 33% of them believe that digital teaching has taken place to a sufficient extent.

When it comes to the future of digital education, however, there is a consensus among Germany’s students, parents and teachers:

When asked about digital teaching concepts, all respondents are equally certain: future lessons must be adapted more to the digital world. A clear majority of the pupils and parents surveyed (around 80 percent each) are open to new forms of learning or would like to try out digital working methods. This view is also shared by an overwhelming majority of teachers.
Furthermore, children should be taught digital skills from primary school age. Well over half of pupils and parents (60 percent) therefore agree that digital skills training should be an integral part of elementary school.

The complete D21 Digital Index will be published in February 2021.


The D21 Digital Index is a study that maps the level of digitalisation in society. This annual status report has been published by the D21 initiative since 2013 and documents the digital transformation of German society. The degree of digitalisation of the population is examined on an empirical basis. It serves as a basis for decision-making for political, economic, civil society and scientific stakeholders.
Within the D21 initiative, the Education working group offers a neutral platform for exchange in order to advance topics relating to digital education in Germany in a targeted manner. The network also conducts debates, exchanges experiences, breaks down potential barriers and imparts digital skills.
The network for the digital society – Initiative D21 for short – is an association of around 200 member companies and institutions as well as stakeholders from politics, administration, business and science. aconium GmbH is also a long-standing partner of the non-profit D21 association and is providing significant support to the D21 Digital Index this year as a premium partner.