Transnational 2IMPREZS Mid Term Conference

Transnational 2IMPREZS Mid Term Conference

Serving as the Mid Term Event of the extended Interreg North Sea Region (NSR) 2IMPREZS project, this conference shall demonstrate how the transnational 2IMPREZS Energy Challenges approach can be applied in your region to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. The...
Promoting synergies between EU projects

Promoting synergies between EU projects

In June 2021, six European projects took part in the joint conference of Interreg projects “Integrated Digital Transformation”, which was centred around fostering synergies amongst likeminded European projects. The digital conference took place on 2 June 2021 from...
Epic project: Successful completion of virtual student projects

Epic project: Successful completion of virtual student projects

Problem-based learning in an international, interdisciplinary and digital context prepares students for the job market. In the past three months nine student groups have worked on real-life problems provided by companies – in interdisciplinary and international...