On November 13, 2018, the ground-breaking ceremony for the broadband expansion took place in St. Englmar in the Straubing-Bogen district (Bavaria). Divided into two individual projects, a total of eight municipalities in the region had joined forces to expand the NGA network as part of the federal broadband funding program. The federal government is providing the district with a total of almost 5.5 million euros to provide 1,702 households and 58 companies with high-speed internet. The construction work should be completed by the end of 2019 and a reliable and efficient fiber optic structure established.
The event was attended by the District President of Lower Bavaria, Rainer Haselbeck, among others. Haselbeck: “The project opens the door to the future in the Straubing-Bogen district. Broadband coverage has become an elementary component of infrastructure expansion.”
District Administrator Josef Laumer (Straubing-Bogen district) emphasized the value of fast Internet access for the region: “Fast Internet is an important location factor, not only for the economy, but also for private households.”
Both sub-projects have made rapid progress so far. The participants thanked aconium GmbH, the project sponsor for the federal broadband funding program, for this. Annette Schumacher (Member of the Management Board of aconium): “The two projects in the Straubing-Bogen district together are among the largest in the whole of Bavaria. The expansion areas in the current funding process will at least be supplied with fiber to the home in the future. The resulting infrastructure forms the basis for a large number of new fields of application for digitalization.”
Photo: Spade on the construction site for the ground-breaking ceremony in St. Englmar, Straubing-Bogen district (Bavaria) on 13.11.2018.
Photo credit: aconium GmbH