This Monday, Andreas Scheuer (Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) met with local journalists from all over Germany at the “Digitalacker” to discuss the progress of broadband expansion.
A 95 x 75 meter walkable map of Germany was spread out on a field in Schönewalde/OT Grassau in Brandenburg especially for the local media summit. A total of 698 poles were placed on the map – each one representing an expansion project funded by the federal government. QR codes on the posts lead to an interactive overview map that provides details on the respective project area.
The focus of the local media summit was on funding activities in rural areas. The regional managers of aconium GmbH, the appointed project sponsor for the federal broadband funding program, provided information on a number of expansion projects. There were four stations on the map, which were passed during a tour of Germany on the digital field:
- Recklinghausen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
- Hiddensee (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
- Brandenburg (Brandenburg)
- Obernzell (Bavaria)
Experts from aconium GmbH explained the funding process and the special features of the individual projects and expansion areas at the stations.
During the event, Federal Minister Scheuer promised to leave no one behind when it comes to digitalization. The goal is “nationwide gigabit networks by 2025”. Scheuer also pointed out the new focus of the funding program on schools, business parks and hospitals.
The federal broadband funding program was simplified in summer 2018. The sixth call was published on August 1, 2018. Scheuer: “Since we simplified our funding program again on 1 August, we have already received 20 new applications with a funding volume of a good 86 million euros. Five applications have already been approved. More and more municipalities are also taking advantage of the new opportunity to upgrade projects that have already been approved to fiber optics.”
The open-air exhibition in Schönewalde will provide interested parties with comprehensive information on the federal broadband funding program until 23 September. Guided tours by experts from the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) will take place daily at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and also at 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Citizens are invited to get information on site. Experts will answer questions about broadband expansion in Germany and explain the exhibition on the edge of the Digitalacker. The exhibition also includes a construction site. An excavator, cable pipes and other exhibits illustrate installation methods for broadband expansion.
Cover photo: Andreas Scheuer (Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, l.) with Regional Manager Manfred Henning (Regional Office for Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, aconium, r.) at the local media summit at the Digitalacker in Schönewalde/OT Grassau (Brandenburg) on 17.09.2018.
Photos below: Andreas Scheuer (Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, r.) and Ulf Freienstein (Head of Infrastructure Promotion, aconium, l.); Andreas Scheuer (Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, r.) and Regional Manager Marc Walter (Regional Office for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, aconium, l.) at the local media summit, Schönewalde/OT Grassau (Brandenburg) 17.09.2018. View of the Digitalacker, a 75×95 meter walk-in map of Germany, in a field in Grassau/Schönewalde, Brandenburg, 16.09.2018.
Photo credits: BMVI