Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use

Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use

  ZeroCo2 Nations Partners Years Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use The project It is estimated that buildings contribute as much as one third of total European Union greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through the use of fossil fuels and...


  LowTEMP Nations Partners Years Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region The project LowTEMP aimed to make the district heating supply in the partner regions more sustainable and to promote the installation of so-called “4th Generation District...
InfoInterreg BB

InfoInterreg BB

  InfoInterreg BB Nations Partners Years Europe for Berlin-Brandenburg Transnational Interreg Projects – Activities and potentials for the capital region The Project The Joint Spatial Planning Department of Berlin-Brandenburg is a central information hub for the...
Public Energy Alternatives

Public Energy Alternatives

  PEA Nations Partners Years Public Energy Alternatives The Project A rising use of alternative, regional renewable energy sources and more energy efficiency is an important issue for municipalities, i.e. to meet the aims of the European Agenda 2020, to lower public...