Study regional products Brandenburg-Poland

Study regional products Brandenburg-Poland

  Study regional products Brandenburg-Poland Nations Partners Years Marketing of regional products in the Euroregion PRO EUROPA VIADRINA The Project Euroregion PRO EUROPA VIADRINA is part of the Interreg V A cooperation programme Brandenburg-Poland. For the...
Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea

Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea

  LOWCAP Nations Partners Years Low Carbon Regions in the North Sea The Project Within the framework of the cluster project LOWCAP, findings and experiences from four projects of the Interreg IVB North-Sea region programme on CO2 reduction and increasing energy...
Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network

Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network

  MIN-NOVATION Nations Partners Years Mining and Mineral Processing Waste Management Innovation Network The Project The Min-Novation project dealt with the challenges and potentials of mining and mining industries, particularly with improved access to knowledge,...
Smart Cities

Smart Cities

  Smart Cities Nations Partners Years Smart Cities The Project Smart Cities aimed to create an innovation network between governments and academia in six countries to promote excellence in the domain of e-services (development and take-up) in order to set a new...