Many cities and municipalities in Germany are gearing up for the digital transformation and developing specific digitalisation projects, for example in administration, transport or to support the local economy. Amt Hüttener Berge in the heart of Schleswig-Holstein has entered into a cooperation with the federal state to develop suitable digital offerings for the amt and its 16 municipalities. The first results of this collaboration have now been published under the name “Hüttis Digitale Agenda”.
The digital agenda of the Amt Hüttener Berge is characterised by many ideas from local and committed citizens who were already involved in the “Future Strategy for Services of General Interest” developed for the office in 2013. The working groups from that project are still actively involved in improving mobility and tourism, for example. The aim of “Hütti’s Digital Agenda” is to develop a framework plan for the provision of digital services for all population groups and interests in order to increase the attractiveness of the municipalities. Alongside digital infrastructure and the digitalisation of administration (e-government), digitally supported services of general interest is one of the three distinct aspects on the path to becoming a digital municipality. This framework plan is based on the specific needs of the residents of the office and strengthens cooperation with over 70 local stakeholders in the region. Office Director Andreas Betz emphasises: “Only what is needed will be used”.
With the cooperation, the state of Schleswig-Holstein is providing infrastructure and tools for various administrative processes until 2023. E-government and internet services for public services and citizen participation will then be available. The services developed as part of the digital agenda will be offered by the state of Schleswig-Holstein to other local authorities as open source.
With the municipal digital agenda, the office will be conceptually linked to similar projects at state and federal level. As a result, the digital services between the administrative levels are better interlinked and more efficient. E-files and interfaces between the various administrative software make it easier for administrative staff to process and exchange applications. E-government is the goal for the Amt Hüttener Berge. In order to increase citizen participation, the digital service “Hüttis WIR KÜMMERN UNS” is to be launched soon, with which citizens can digitally report defects in road and sidewalk surfaces or street lighting, for example. It is also possible to submit a citizen’s vote on a political proposal or get a political committee to deal with a particular proposal.
Mobility plays a particularly important role in rural areas. Various concepts have already been successfully tested in the Amt Hüttener Berge, such as the volunteer-run “Hüttis Marktbus”, which offers trips to the weekly market, or the e-car sharing village car. “Hüttis MOBILITÄTSPORTAL” is intended to connect local public transport, but also e-bikes and club buses. Regardless of the mode of transport, you can then digitally select a means of transportation from A to B.

Broadband expansion as the basis for digital agenda projects
With the broadband expansion, the Amt Hüttener Berge is creating the basis for the projects on the digital agenda. Together with the authorities of Dänischenhagen and Amt Dänischer Wohld, the expansion is being carried out in a broadband association. The federal broadband funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) is providing the broadband association with funds amounting to 1.2 million euros for broadband expansion. The aim is to connect underserved homes in individual areas to the existing fiber optic network. This includes 745 households, one agricultural and forestry business and 36 companies. The civil engineering work must be adapted to the particular geographical conditions in the district of Rendsburg-Eckernförde. Large bodies of water such as the Wittensee, moors, special European conservation areas and the Hüttener Berge Nature Park require construction measures that are gentle on the flora and fauna.
The schools of the 28 municipalities organised in the special-purpose association are already connected to the high-speed Internet with a fibre optic connection and are directly linked to the local authorities for internal communication. Without broadband support for rural areas, the region would be left behind in terms of high-speed Internet and the attractiveness of the rural communities would suffer greatly. Thanks to fiber optic technology, they are competitive and can take innovative paths with the help of the digital municipality.
This also benefits tourism – an important economic factor in the district, for which digital projects are also in the pipeline. The planned citizens’ portal “Hüttis 360° KAUF IM DORF” is interesting for both locals and tourists because it brings together regional producers, retailers and local trades on one platform and makes them visible to consumers. Depending on their interests, users will be able to have tailored and up-to-date offers sent to their smartphone via a push option or access the online portal in the conventional way. In addition to the digital offers, the 50 or so usable public Wi-Fi nodes, for example in administrative buildings, bathing areas, village community centers or clubs, benefit not only residents but also visitors to the district.
Success through broad participation of local stakeholders
In addition to the development of digital infrastructure, administration and tourism, “Hütti’s Digital Agenda” is dedicated to seven other fields of action: Economy, Neighborhood, Mobility, Health, Education, Citizen Participation and Culture and Leisure. For each field of action, existing services were identified, possible improvements with the help of digitalisation were discussed in citizens’ forums and clear priorities and milestones were set for the digital agenda. According to the workshop report, this broad participation of local stakeholders has proven its worth from the office’s perspective. Office Director Andreas Betz is delighted with the political backing in line with the motto “Shaping instead of managing”. In particular, the acceptance of local stakeholders and multipliers is a decisive factor for the success of the project. The project motto “Hütti macht mobil!” was developed with this in mind.
“Hütti’s Digital Agenda” was developed with the support of Höhn-Consulting GmbH from Kronshagen near Kiel. As the first digital agenda of an office in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, it is already characterised by innovative digital solutions, explains office director Betz. “Thanks to the cooperation with the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the patronage of our Digitalisation Minister Dr. Robert Habeck, I am certain that we will develop digital services for many municipalities and make a sustainable contribution to digitally supported services of general interest for a number of municipal needs and interest groups.”
Photo above: Auguste windmill on Lake Wittensee in the Hüttener Berge Nature Park. Amt Hüttener Berge.
Photo below: “Hüttis Marktbus” from Amt Hüttener Berge.
Photo credits: Amt Hüttener Berge.