Regional Development

The Key to a Sustainable Future

Table of contents

We support public sector players in developing sustainable regions that can exploit their economic, social and ecological potential.

We focus on six central design principles:

Recognize potential!

In order to support sustainable and future-oriented regional development, it is important to draw as accurate a picture as possible of the current situation, decisions that have already been made and ideas for further development. In this way, both potential and obstacles can be identified and addressed in a targeted manner. We use various methods such as stocktaking, studies, surveys, evaluations, etc. to support this process, which generally marks the starting point for sustainable change.

Create partnerships and networks!

Multidisciplinary and cross-level governance is a prerequisite for sustainable regional development. Politics and administration must pull together with companies, associations, non-profit organizations and civil society. We have a large network of partners in Germany and Europe and promote joint efforts.

Making public administrations strong!

Efficient administrative work is crucial in order to fulfill public tasks and responsibilities. The complex demands of transparency, accountability, innovation and service orientation require a holistic and integrative approach. We see this as an ongoing process and encourage active collaboration between governments, citizens and other stakeholders.

Promote bottom-up processes!

The local context and the diversity of needs and perspectives in each region must be taken into account in order to develop tailor-made solutions. Broad participation and involvement are crucial for this. We design transparent communication processes and diverse methods of activating and involving various stakeholders in regional development.

Preserve identity and culture!

Regions should preserve their unique identity and culture while exploring opportunities for growth and diversification. We bring the two together by focusing on leveraging regional strengths to bring about innovation.

Focus on sustainability!

Regional development must be sustainable and geared towards long-term goals. This requires an integrated approach in which environmental, social and economic effects are taken into account at an early stage. We help to put development processes on a sustainable footing.

Let’s work together to make our cities, municipalities and regions fit for the future and even more liveable!

Our Services

aconium GmbH offers comprehensive services in the field of regional development: we analyze initial situations and fields of action, prepare studies on various topics, formulate recommendations for action, develop strategies, create roadmaps, find partners for implementation projects and develop concepts for financing and funding – for stakeholders at local, regional, national and even European level. Multidisciplinary teams are used to meet the diverse regional needs.

Strategy Development

As part of a strategy development process, open needs are identified and relevant fields of action are named. In this way, we create the basis for coordinating a wide range of measures and pouring them into a structured and goal-oriented roadmap. The strategy thus serves as a guideline for the long-term orientation and prioritization of projects. However, strategies not only provide orientation, but also create an important framework for the efficient planning and operational implementation of measures.

In close cooperation with the responsible stakeholders, we design a suitable strategy development process. The basis is a comprehensive assessment of the status quo and development potential based on scientific methods. We support the establishment of a stakeholder network, moderate participation processes and manage the entire editorial creation of the strategy. All phases of the development process can be enriched by interactive methods in order to promote the commitment of all those involved.

Studies and Evaluations

As part of a study project, the systematic collection and analysis of data and information can provide new insights into a specific topic or issue. Evaluations, in turn, make it possible to measure the progress of projects, strategies or programs and, based on this, to develop or adapt measures to achieve goals. Evaluations thus promote evidence-based decision-making and form the basis for a continuous improvement process.

It is essential for the development process of a study or evaluation to know the client’s initial situation and needs precisely. This is why we start with a joint kick-off meeting, during which we jointly define the basic question. The process of gaining knowledge then includes not only the collection of information and data using various quantitative and qualitative survey methods, but also their evaluation and interpretation. We prepare the validated results editorially and graphically.

We attach great importance to practical, practicable results – which is why well-founded conclusions and concretely formulated recommendations for action are important to us. A further component of our range of services is the transfer of knowledge in the sense of target group and user-oriented communication of results.


Targeted management of regional development processes requires the ability to recognize and describe the structural needs and action requirements of a region. This is because sustainable, future-oriented management is based on evidence-based findings on the status quo and development prospects in terms of key trends and challenges. Analyses are therefore the central prerequisite for strategic processes.

We provide holistic support in taking stock – for example in the collection, evaluation, interpretation and processing of socio-economic, geographical and ecological data or the analysis of strengths and weaknesses, stakeholders or potential. Depending on requirements, we use traditional methods such as SWOT analyses or unconventional approaches such as scenario models. We have a team of experts from various disciplines and the necessary tools to carry out analyses in accordance with scientific standards.

Process and Network Management

Regional development is a complex process in which various actors need to be involved and different processes need to be coordinated, sometimes in parallel. Depending on requirements, aconium provides support with process and network management: this includes network development and communication with partners and stakeholders as well as moderation and, if necessary, mediation to reconcile different interests. Work processes are operationalized, controlled and simplified by developing joint work structures and templates to promote effective collaboration at various levels and to consolidate processes. aconium also provides assistance with systematic planning and control, e.g. by monitoring measures to enable the achievement of objectives to be managed and controlled.

Participation Processes

Involving and informing relevant stakeholders is an important building block for the development of sustainable regions. Identifying the interests, needs and visions of different stakeholders enables the planning of customized, effective and sustainable development measures. Digital platforms and tools open up new ways of participation and make low-threshold involvement of the population easier than ever before. However, online participation tools should not replace offline methods – it is much more important to use coordinated digital and analog formats that complement each other in a meaningful way.

aconium GmbH organizes and moderates participation processes, develops suitable participation formats and supports their implementation. To this end, we start by defining key questions regarding the objectives of participation, target and interest groups as well as formats and media in order to drive implementation forward in a targeted manner. Whether surveys, interviews, workshops or ideas competitions – we accompany and moderate each participation format, document all results and support the utilization of the knowledge gained.

Experience, Efficiency, Expertise –
aconium GmbH Project Management

aconium GmbH has many years of experience in project management. Our services include the creation and maintenance of time, task and work plans, the continuous monitoring of project progress, communication with the client and other stakeholders involved in the project, the organization of project meetings such as regular jour fixes and working group meetings and their documentation as well as the moderation between different stakeholders and, if necessary, conflict management.

Communication and transfer

aconium offers a complete package of services for the development, planning and implementation of projects. It includes target group and topic-specific project communication, the planning and implementation of events and workshops, corporate and municipal consulting, the development of project identities as well as information materials and website support. Our portfolio also includes the following services:

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Graphics and web design: showcase for project results

With its own graphics department, aconium GmbH can also successfully implement the entire communication-related management such as the maintenance of the project website and the creation of advertising material for EU projects.

Geoinformation systems: capture, analyze and present spatial data with aconium hub

The visualization of geoinformation plays a decisive role in modern municipal administration and planning. Our aconium hub offers the perfect platform for this.

E-learning – Europe-wide knowledge transfer

In order to secure the results of EU projects and make them available to a wide audience, we create training courses that can be used to secure the project results and make them available to a wide audience. E-learning courses can be integrated into the aconium Academy portfolio and on the channels of the EU projects.