Throughout Europe, public and private institutions are collecting data that should be freely accessible and usable as open data. However, the public sector often still lacks the understanding and skills to take full advantage of this treasure trove of data.

This is where the DoorCE project comes in! By setting up local open data hubs, we are helping partners from seven Central European countries to provide high-quality, dynamic data. This open data is made accessible to all citizens via innovative digital services.

DoorCE has set itself the goal of supporting municipalities, districts and regions in the implementation of open data. Together with our project partners, we build up knowledge and capacities in the field of open data, anchor this topic in the structures of the partners and support innovators, SMEs and public administration in using data more efficiently. An open data package for the public sector, which includes a strategy for establishing open data in the administration and a user-friendly toolbox for the provision and use of open data, offers concrete organizational and technical assistance, even for non-experts.

To kick off the transnational project, the project partners from seven EU countries met at the Warsaw University of Technology in mid-June. After a round of introductions, the partners, representing local authorities, IT and consulting organizations and an engineering department, discussed current challenges in dealing with open data and exchanged local ideas and solutions. Then things got practical: initial content workshops were held to gather needs for the strategic anchoring and initial technical requirements for the provision and use of open data. In the next phase of the project, the partners will continue to work together on project tasks in digital form. An open data package, which includes a strategy for establishing open data in the administration and a user-friendly toolbox for the provision and use of open data, will provide concrete organizational and technical support for the public sector. Thanks to a low/no-code approach, the toolbox will also be usable by non-experts and municipalities with manageable IT resources.

As part of DoorCE, aconium GmbH is coordinating the creation of the open data strategy and training materials and can contribute experience from the “Data for All – Data-driven provision of public services in the North Sea region” project funded by Interreg North Sea Region. The two data projects with different focal points will exchange knowledge and results in the further course of the project so that the pilot activities planned in the projects can benefit from each other’s ideas and experiences – this offers added value for all participants. In DoorCE, the project partners will set up so-called open data hubs to provide high-quality, dynamic data. This open data will be made accessible to all citizens via innovative digital services. At the same time, the participating municipalities will be empowered to exploit the benefits of open data. A goal that Data for all also pursues, focusing on data use in general and not just on open data.