Cities and regions are increasingly relying on advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) or the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to optimise and modernise urban mobility. The Ukrainian capital Kiev is placing a particular focus on the development of a digitally networked infrastructure. As a strong ally for smart city strategies and modern mobility solutions, aconium GmbH is therefore a project partner of the Kyiv Smart City Forum to support the implementation of urban projects.
On October 8, 2020, the Kyiv Smart City Forum took place again this year – for the first time as a purely online platform. In the context of urban transport solutions, Dr. Peyman Khodabakhsh, Head of the Smart Regions Department, and Sebastian Martin, Project Manager in the Regional Development and Promotion Department, provided insights into smart mobility approaches and the potential of hydrogen mobility. In their presentation, they answered questions such as how hydrogen can contribute to European energy and climate targets. Of particular importance here is how electric vehicles with fuel cells (FCEV) are constructed and what advantages they offer. They also presented the potential of “Power-to-X” technologies, which involve converting electricity into other energy sources (wind, solar, gas) in order to use renewable energies more efficiently and at the same time keep the electricity grid more stable.
Ukraine is repositioning itself in terms of digitalisation and is developing a concept towards a complete smart city, accompanied by the implementation and development of digital infrastructure in the transport sector. Back in 2018, Tim Brauckmüller, Managing Director of aconium GmbH, and Vitaly Klitschko, Mayor of Kiev, signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the implementation of smart city projects.
Further information on the project can be found here. In addition, aconium GmbH has been supporting the city’s plans with a regional office directly on site since the beginning of this year.
Further information on the Kyiv Smart City Forum 2020: